PANTONE Color Resources P.Jは、PANTONE®色見本帳のショップ&ショールームです。


パントン® ウェビナー (Webinar) のご案内




時間:15:00 〜 16:00

タイトル:The Great Debate: Digitalists vs Traditionalists and the Future of Color!

Join Pantone as we host The Great Debate: Digitalists vs Traditionalists. The Design industry is at a crossroads between the digital color world and the traditional color world. New technologies have progressed by leaps and bounds, with 3D tech packs and VR tools designing and recoloring fashion and interiors in seconds. At the same time, there’s been a resurgence of hand-crafted design that reflects authentic and traditional tools, like pencil on paper illustrations and evaluating color in real life. The question is, must the industry choose one path or can we have both? Our experts’ answers have the makings of a great a debate!

視聴料金:無料 ※本ウェビナーはビデオ映像のため、内容は全て英語となって

進行役:Tannese Williams、Product Manager for Pantone Fashion Home + Interiors

パネリスト:Caley Taylor, team lead 3D designer for Clo Virtual Fashion Inc.
Jay Lakhani, designer and co-founder of Deepa Gurnani.

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